Marine Mammals
Marine Mammals
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are large mammals called cetaceans That live mostly in the seas and oceans.
Marine Mammals are aquatic mammals which rely on the ocean for their survival.They include animals like seals, whales, porpoises, dolphins, walruses, manatees etc.
Not all mammals live on land some lives in water. Unlike fish, however, water mammals have to go to the surface to breathe.
Let's see about Whales, There are two kinds of whales - toothed whales and baleen whale.
Toothed whales love to eat fish and large animals like seals.The killer whale can even leap onto beaches to grab the unfortunate seals.
Baleen whales have rows of filters called plates, instead of teeth.These are called baleen whales. They gulp huge amount of water, then sieve it through the plates to remove the food- tiny plants and animals called plankton.
Well I hope you enjoyed reading any questions can be asked Thank you!!
- Nandakishore Jayaraj
Good Question!! there has been sightings of toothed whales such as the Orca. (Even though orca's come under the dolphin family) killing the blue whale. Orca's or killer whales wont even hesitate to kill birds, seals and even fish. There has been no sightings of orca's killing baleen whale.